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Dual Degree: Stevens Institute of Technology - Software Engineering - Dual Degree Stevens Institute of Technology Bachelor's/MS

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External Program UG Dual Degree

Program Title

Software Engineering - Bachelor's/MS

Program Type

Dual Degree

Degree Designation

Dual Degree


Program Description

Drew University offers both a 4+1 Dual Degree Program and a 4+1.5 Dual Degree Program with Stevens Institute of Technology. Scroll down to view requirements for the BA or BS/MS (4+1.5) Program.


BA or BS/MS (4+1) Program

Allows qualified computer science majors or minors to complete the bachelor’s degree at Drew and the Master of Science degree at Stevens in five years instead of the five and one half years that it would normally require.

Eligibility and Application Criteria

Students are eligible to apply to the Drew/Stevens program for provisional acceptance once they have completed 48 credits towards Drew graduation by contacting the program coordinator.  The requirements for provisional acceptance are:

  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0

  • A minimum of 3.0 in Computer Science courses

  • Recommendation of the Drew/Stevens program coordinator

  • No academic integrity violations.

Students who meet the following requirements are guaranteed admission to the program provided they meet the following requirements:

  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3 at Drew;

  • A positive recommendation from the Drew faculty person who serves as the Drew/Stevens Program Coordinator; and

  • No academic integrity violations at Drew (one case resolved through the alternative dispute resolution process is acceptable)

By graduation from Drew, the 4+1 student will have:

  • Completed 134 credits, including the CSCI 220, 540, 600 courses

  • Achieved minimum GRE scores of 300 overall and 155 quantitative

  • A minimum grade of 3.3 in the following graduate-level Drew computer science courses: CSCI 540 and 600. 

CSCI 540 and 600 successfully completed at Drew with a grade of 3.3 or above will be transferred to Stevens and applied to the M.S. in Software Engineering as the equivalent of SSW 540 and 690. Taking these two courses at Drew reduces the number of credits needed for the M.S. degree, thus allowing the M.S. in Software Engineering to be completed in one calendar year.  

Final Acceptance
Final acceptance of Drew students into the Stevens M.S. in Software Engineering program additionally requires submission of a completed Stevens’ application of admission, to be completed by March 15th of student’s final academic year at Drew. The standard Stevens application fee will be waived for applicants to this program.

For more information about the Drew-Stevens 4+1 program, contact Professor Sarah Abramowitz at

BA or BS/MS (4+1.5) Program

Allows Drew students without a major or minor in Computer Science the ability to complete the Drew bachelor’s degree and the Stevens M.S. in Software Engineering in five and one half years.  Upon completing the Drew degree, students will enroll at Stevens to complete the graduate degree.   Meeting the entry requirements for the program will guarantee admission to Stevens.

Eligibility and Application Criteria

Students are eligible to apply to the Drew/Stevens program for provisional acceptance once they have completed 48 credits towards Drew graduation by contacting the program coordinator.  The requirements for provisional acceptance are:

  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0

  • A minimum of 3.0 in Computer Science courses

  • Recommendation of the Drew/Stevens program coordinator

  • No academic integrity violations.

Students who meet the following requirements are guaranteed admission to the program provided they meet the following requirements:

  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.3 at Drew;

  • A positive recommendation from the Drew faculty person who serves as the Drew/Stevens Program Coordinator; and

  • No academic integrity violations at Drew (one case resolved through the alternative dispute resolution process is acceptable)

By graduation from Drew, the 4+1.5 student will have:

  • Completed 128 credits at Drew University

  • Completed CSCI 150, 220 courses

  • Achieved minimum GRE scores of 300 overall and 155 quantitative

Final Acceptance
Final acceptance of Drew students into the Stevens M.S. in Software Engineering program additionally requires submission of a completed Stevens’ application of admission, to be completed by March 15th of student’s final academic year at Drew. The standard Stevens application fee will be waived for applicants to this program.

Scholarship Awards
Non-computer science majors and minors admitted into the M.S. in Software Engineering at Stevens will be eligible for National Science Foundation (NSF) scholarships up to a total of $15,000.  Scholarships are need-based and recipients must be a U.S. citizen, or a “U.S Person” as defined by NSF.  Scholarship awards are determined by Stevens Institute of Technology.

For more information about the Drew-Stevens 4+1.5 program, contact Professor Sarah Abramowitz at