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PREM - Pre-Med

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Does Drew have Pre-Med, Pre-Vet, and other Pre-Health Professions programs?

Yes! Students get professional health professions advising and support at Drew, and most gain admission to the medical, dental, veterinary, and other health professions schools of their choice. At Drew University, pre-med is a “goal,” not a “major.” Students have freedom to choose from many academic majors while still completing coursework necessary for medical school. Any student admitted to Drew University may participate in the Pre-Med program.

Can I be Pre-Med at Drew without participating in the 7-Year Dual Degree (BA/MD) Program with New Jersey Medical School?

Yes! Relatively few of Drew University’s pre-med students enroll in the Dual Degree program. Most spend their full four years at Drew before continuing to medical school, taking time for research experiences, internships, and academic interests beyond the sciences. (See below for more about the 7-Year Dual Degree Medical Program).

What makes Drew University a great place for premedical students?

  • Eminent scientists who in retirement have come to Drew University to mentor student research (RISE: Research Institute for Scientists Emeriti)

  • Further research and learning opportunities for all interested students with our faculty of active, well-regarded scientists.

  • Exclusive and intentional focus on undergraduate students, unlike research universities where graduate student training is top priority.

  • State-of-the-art science equipment and technology, all available for undergraduate use in classes and research.

  • Small classes and dedicated faculty member who will get to know you well enough to provide helpful recommendations to medical schools.

  • Exceptional pre-medical advising and support from university professors, beginning from when you first step foot on campus and continuing through the medical school application process.

  • Strong, carefully-designed courses in the fields of science covered by medical school admissions tests and requirements, including an award-winning biology curriculum.

  • An exceptional Mentorship Program for Drew students at nearby Morristown Memorial Hospital.

  • Other internship and volunteer opportunities in medical, pharmaceutical, and research facilities which abound in the area near campus.

  • A supportive (not competitive) student culture in which students help one another succeed.

  • Opportunities for study abroad, including month-long Drew International Seminars, several of which focus on health care and other sciences (China, Eritrea, Peru).

  • Flexibility about studying and majoring in a wide range of science and non-science subject areas while still preparing for a career in the health professions.

Can I major in anything I wish?

Yes! As a pre-medical student at Drew, you may choose any of the college’s disciplinary or interdisciplinary majors.

Along with the requirements for my major, what courses should I take as a Pre-Med student?

Requirements vary somewhat among medical and other health professions schools, so you should consult with the Pre-Med Advisor and explore links provided on the Pre-Med Website for Current Students. Nearly all require one year of biology with laboratory (Drew recommends at least three semesters for adequate preparation for the MCAT examination), one year of physics with laboratory, two years of chemistry, including one year of organic, with laboratory, and one year of English. Some health professions schools require other courses such as calculus or other college mathematics, biochemistry, and psychology. For more information, “Who will advise me as a Pre-Med student?” below.

Who will advise me as a Pre-Med student?

At Drew University, you will get advice and support from at least two professors: your academic advisor, who is a professor in your chosen major field, and the Pre-Medical Advisor David Belson (x3364), another professor who is a member of the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions Advisors. The Pre-Medical Advisor is available to meet with any Drew University student who seeks advice or information. The goal of Pre-Med advising is to prepare each student to be as competitive as possible as an applicant to the career of his or her choice. Thus our students at Drew are given active guidance through the process of preparing for and applying to medical and other health professions schools.

Does Drew have a Health Professions Committee?

Yes. Medical schools prefer that applicants work with a University Health Professions Committee. At Drew this is a group of full-time faculty members who provide support, interview practice, and advice about careers and the application process. The Committee also prepares a letter of recommendation for medical schools based on all of your application materials and credentials.

Is becoming and remaining a Pre-Med student at Drew a competitive process?

No. Within the first two months of your first semester, there will be a general information meeting open to all students where the Pre-Medical Advisor who will offer curricular advice and answer any questions. At that time, or at any time during your college career, you may sign up for the Pre-Med email distribution list and may join the student Pre-Med Society. Of course, at any time you can contact the Pre-Medical Advisor for a personal meeting to discuss your concerns, questions, and goals. Drew has no systematic selection or elimination of students interested in pursuing medicine as a career.

What percentage of Drew students applying to Medical School are admitted?

Nearly all Drew University students with sufficiently strong grades and MCAT scores have been accepted into medical school. The same is true of veterinary, dental, and optometry school admissions. Applicants can place themselves in the most competitive position by (1) maintaining an excellent grade point average, in science courses in particular, (2) demonstrating service to peers, campus, or community, and (3) obtaining substantial experience in a medical setting.

How strong is Drew’s reputation for preparing Pre-Medical students?

Recognition of Drew’s strong tradition of preparing students for careers in medicine is evident in the quality of health professions schools to which our graduates have been accepted and, more importantly, in the high quality of our graduates’ performances in medical school and thereafter as practicing physicians. A list of schools recently admitting graduates of Drew University is given below. In addition, the New Jersey Medical School of UMDNJ has acknowledged Drew’s fine reputation by establishing the a seven-year Dual-Degree(B.A./M.D.) Program with the College.

Dual Degree Program between Drew University and New Jersey Medical School: Medicine - New Jersey Medical School 

Health Professions Schools Recently Accepting Drew University Graduates:

Human Medicine: Allopathy (M.D.)

  • Albany Medical College

  • Albert Einstein College of Medicine

  • Boston University School of Medicine

  • Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

  • Creighton University School of Medicine

  • Eastern Virginia Medical School

  • Georgetown University School of Medicine

  • George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

  • Howard University School of Medicine

  • Jefferson Medical College

  • Drexel University School of Medicine

  • Meharry Medical College

  • Morehouse School of Medicine

  • Mount Sinai School of Medicine

  • New York Medical College

  • New York University School of Medicine

  • Pennsylvania State University School of Medicine

  • Saint Louis University School of Medicine

  • State University of New York Upstate Medical School

  • Stonybrook University School of Medicine

  • Temple University School of Medicine

  • Tufts University School of Medicine

  • Uniformed Services University of the Health Services — F. Edward Herbert School of Medicine

  • University of Connecticut School of Medicine

  • University of Maryland School of Medicine

  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey — New Jersey Medical School

  • University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine

  • University of Pittsburgh

  • University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry

  • Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Human Medicine: Osteopathy (D.O.)

  • Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • New York College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • University of Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine

  • University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine

  • West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine


  • Columbia University School of Dental and Oral Surgery

  • New York University College of Dentistry

  • Temple University School of Dental Medicine

  • University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey-New Jersey Dental School


  • Pennsylvania College of Optometry

  • State University of New York-College of Optometry


  • Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science

  • New York State College of Veterinary Medicine (Cornell)

  • Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine

  • Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine

  • Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine

  • University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine

  • Virginia/Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine

  • Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine

For More Information regarding Pre-Medicine, please contact:

David Belson, Assistant Director
Center for Career Development
Sycamore Cottage, Rm. 202

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