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Academic Standing

Good Standing

A student who meets all of the standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress when progress is reviewed will be in Good Academic Standing and can continue to be enrolled and receive financial aid.


Students previously in Good Standing will be placed on Warning and students previously on Warning will be placed on Probation for any of the following reasons:

  • A fall or spring semester term grade point average which falls below grade point average, as reflected in chart found on the Academic Year Progression by Class page here;

  • cumulative grade point average, or a grade point average in all majors, at the end of the fall or spring term below the minimum standards described in the table found on the Academic Year Progression by Class page here;

  • A failure to satisfactorily complete credits according to minimum standards for Pace: 24 credits by the end of the first year, 48 credits by the end of the second year, 72 credits by the end of the third year, 100 credits by the end of the fourth year, and a degree by the end of the fifth year. A year consists of a fall and spring term.

  • A withdrawal from all classes in a fall or spring semester.

The following conditions apply to students on Warning or Probation

  • A student cannot enroll in more than 17 credits without the approval of the Academic Standing Committee.

  • A student who at the end of a fall or spring semester has satisfactorily completed at least 12 credits, earned a term grade point average of at least 2.0, and met the minimum credit and grade point levels described above will be returned to Good Standing. A student on Warning who at the end of a fall or spring semester has not returned to Good Standing will be placed on Probation or, in exceptional cases, may be placed on Required Withdrawal (exceptional cases include students with disciplinary sanctions, two consecutive semesters of full withdrawal, or irrecoverable cumulative GPA).

A student on Warning is eligible to receive financial aid for one payment period.